Friday, September 5, 2008

Senate Forges a Compromise Energy Bill

Senate Forges a Compromise Energy Bill

High energy prices have become a bitterly contested political issue. Republicans are bashing Democrats for standing in the way of drilling for more oil and gas at home, while Democrats retort that their rivals are misleading the American public by saying that such drilling would significantly lower prices. Yet amid the partisan bomb-throwing over America's future energy policy, Washington is actually making a rare effort to forge a compromise.

Over the summer a group of five GOP and five Democratic senators, dubbed the Gang of 10, hammered out a comprehensive energy proposal. And now, after taking withering heat from both left and right, the idea is gaining support. Three more senators from each party have officially signed on, and the proposal is expected to come up for a vote in the Senate when Congress returns from the current recess. "We've seen the tide gradually turn," says Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.), who began the effort with a visit in June to Senate colleague Kent Conrad (D-N.D.). "Thank goodness there are some people willing to work across the aisle."

The proposal contains some items on the Republican wish list, such as opening areas of the Outer Continental Shelf to drilling and boosting nuclear power. The Democrats get incentives for wind, solar, and other renewables along with energy efficiency measures—and pay for much of the projected $84 billion cost by eliminating tax breaks on the oil and gas industry. "Some environmentalists have serious problems with it, but it's actually a pretty good deal," says Joseph J. Romm, senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank, and a top Energy Dept. official in the Clinton Administration.

As the compromise gains momentum, it is creating dilemmas for both parties. There are plenty of reasons to be against it. For one, John McCain's choice for running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, is a strong advocate of opening up new areas like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to the oil and gas industry. Polls also show that Republicans are getting a major boost by blaming Democrats for blocking increases in oil and gas supplies, so why would they give up their best campaign issue? "One man knows we must now drill more in America and rescue our family budgets:…McCain," says one ad for the GOP Presidential candidate, which accuses Democratic rival Barack Obama of standing in the way.

A compromise with the Democrats would "cut the knees off of Senator McCain," Rush Limbaugh recently charged on his radio show. In addition, oil and gas companies are leaning heavily on their GOP friends to oppose the plan. "Opening up a very, very minor area [to drilling] and punishing the industry while doing it makes absolutely no sense," says Charles T. Drevna, president of the National Petrochemical & Refiners Assn. For their part, Democrats fear losing support among core constituents if they vote to drill.

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